This thread is probably dead, but I'll give it a try anyway. More people would love audio if they were the target audience of the advertising world. We all know that people in certain age brackets will buy anything that is targeted at them. Nobody can afford to target the high end at more people. Look at Beats. Half-assed $500 headphones that every kid on earth would own if they could. Because they got some cool guys telling them they're good. So they are. If Mark Levinson or B&W or Naim had Puffy or whomever the kids emulate tell them 100 times a day that they had to have a Levinson/Wilson system, they would kill themselves to own one. But the companies aren't willing to put up the millions it takes to buy these guys. Do you think Jeter really drives a Ford Edge? He probably wouldn't use one as his toilet. The kids obviously love music - they listen to it constantly, so it's just a matter of convincing them how to do it. No problem for Madison Avenue. I just wish it would happen. Really.