Sound Lab vs Magnepan 20.7

I owned Sound Labs back about 2005. I loved them: enter divorce... not related.
Now a decade later remembering those monsters I'm wondering how they compare with the Maggie 20.7. I realize the technical differences, but still am aware of their relative strengths. Just wondering if one of our more articulate brethren on here can sum up the differences and who wins?
It would be Maggies for ME......:) Since you are going to live with them, you must listen to both and decide for yourself
05-18-15: Lrsky
After much contemplation, I'm leaning toward the SL.
They were great in '04, and I'm sure they've made lots of improvements.
I love my "little" Maggie 1.7s, but if I had $40K and space for 9-foot-tall speakers, the SL Majestic 945PX would be on my short list.

It's true that the entire Maggie line is a bit of a bargain compared to box speakers in the same price range, but I suspect you could say the same thing about $40K SLs vs. similarly priced box speakers.
Stringreen, The newer SL ESLs are not only more reliable, they are also a lot easier to drive and sound better at the same time. They appear to have wider bandwidth and higher efficiency than the Maggies do, whereas a few years ago I would have said the 20.7s were more efficient.

Put another way, most of our MA-2 amplifiers produced used to go to Sound Lab owners. Nowadays you can do with a set of MA-1s what used to take a set of MA-2s... That is a nice improvement!

I do think though that the 20.7 is one of the better deals in loudspeakers...