Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm

I am trying to do my due diligence about this arm. I am just having a hard time getting my head around this idea of zero overhang and no offset. Does this arm really work the way it is reported to do?

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So I ask again, why are you so angry, Raul? This is a hobby. I bought a tonearm and reported on its sound quality here in a thread that is supposed to be about that very same tonearm. Take it or leave it. Meantime, I am having fun with it. You tried to mock me ("blah, blah, blah" was the way you put it) for not saying why the tonearm might perform well, so I responded with a description of my current thoughts, even though I had already done so before you "blah"-ed me. End of story. This is not the first instance in which you have become apoplectic when someone reports an opinion or an observation that does not comply with any of your many biases.  The best you can ever do in such cases is to suggest that the other guy "likes distortion" but it's "perfectly alright". 

In my assessment, there has been no 'Distortion' seen from nearly all commentators on their experiences with the 'Viv' in use.

I can say, I have been impressed by the commentary and have made my own inroads to experience something similar to a 'Viv' Geometry. There is no 'contempt prior to investigation' at my end.

There is quite obvious content from certain commentators, where the narrative is to 'Distort' / Re-shape the Commentary from others, who are claiming to have encountered very good experiences from using the 'Viv'.

It seems absolutely diabolical and futile that a few are to spend so much time suggesting that if one is not using a Geometry from a particular group of Mathematicians, the only outcome is an inferior experience.

Tonearm Geometries under discussion allow for the Styli to make contact with the Groove and the result is produced music from the entirety of the LP.

'Lo and Behold', there is music being produced and when the produced sonic heard, is being thoroughly enjoyed. For some, the produced sonic is preferred to other previous methods used for placing a Styli in a Groove.

What does stand out is that all commentators on experiencing the Viv' in use are experienced with the use of all Geometries being presented in this thread. Each knows how they have been influenced by the Sonic produced from the differing concepts.

The 'Viv' has become the preferred choice for some of its users.

What a Waste such an attitude is when it comes from notion,

' Only when my suggested math is being utilised, as I suggest it should, can then only the real enjoyment of listening to a LP replay be encountered and only then might I find it acceptable for what one is claiming'.  What a load of utter twaddle.

I found a very interesting discussion of the Viv Float on Audiokarma, dating to 2015. Some of the discussants seem very knowledgeable and brought up many additional pros and cons. Worth reading for an interested party. I’ll post the URL here.