"Poll most audiophiles and you may find that among many 'hardcore' ones, anyway, they not only often trace their interest back into their childhood, but can also relate it to even a specific event - a moment in which things crystallized for them, and some kind of dream is born. I know I can. But, maybe I'm right about that and maybe I'm not, I guess."
You nailed it exactly in my case!
When I was about 5 years old, I became fascinated with records and record players. The one I had did not work very well though. One day, I was twiddling with it and got a nice electrical shock. I've been a glutton for punishment ever since!
That's a true story, but seriously, I don't need anyone else to love listening to my system. I'm by far the most picky about what sounds good to me. It's a non-issue for most everyone else. THough I am glad to listen and share together when opportunities present themselves.