Most audiophiles have no idea how musical good Hi & Lo shelving EQ can really sound because it's so poorly implemented on most HiFi gear.
Many years ago I had an NAD C165BEE preamp. Only $999, entry level hi-end, I realize, but I was shocked at how bad the tone controls sounded. Every time I turned up Bass or Treble, it instantly called attention to itself, rather than simply being part of the music.
I have a Manley/Langevin mic-preamp that has Bass & Treble shelfs, each with 2 turnover frequenices that sound amazing. I'd kill to have THESE tone controls incorporated into a hi-fi preamp. They gently shape the music without sounding phasey or electronic. Switchable frequencies is SO important too. People and/or companies seem to fear knobs and switches these days. So many preamps today are totally featureless. I don't get it.
My name, is Miro. I'm old, and I like knobs and switches.