Speaker Efficiency

   I have been listening to my Decware 300b tube amp for a few months now. At 8 watts, I have them paired with Klipsch Forte IV at 99db efficiency, and this set up has been sounding great. This morning I connected a pair of Sonus Faber Electa Amator speakers, 6ohms at 88db of efficiency. They sound fantastic, with more weight  and depth. I understand there is a huge price difference in the two speakers, but aside from that, if I am getting 80db of volume at my chair, 8' away, what is the draw back of using lower efficiency speakers with SET amps, so long as the volume is sufficient? I did notice turn the Pre amp, the tube amp and the Roon volume towards the highest setting, it starts sounding terrible....



I am using a 300B amp to drive Klipsch LaScala IIs. Of course the LS II is one of the highest sensitivity speakers one can buy, but I can drive them with 9 watts to levels greater than I can stand in a 400 sq. ft. room. I can listen to any genre of music to great effect,  no loss of volume, dynamics, or bass control.

@hotei Wrote:

Then why even make speakers in the 80db range if higher impedance is better?

One reason a four Ohm speaker will play louder then an eight Ohm speaker. See my post above. 😎

The video below explains impedance and the differences between efficiency and sensitivity.



Roadcykler, when I wrote that post Iam thinking about my viva 22 w , and my Andra  1 ? I was not able to to get the dynamic I want. 

Thank you @audioman58 , I like the Decware 300b, so that's not going away. I would not leave the Sonus Faber's on that amp, it was more of an experiment, and that prompted my post. I certainly have a better understanding of speaker matching with all that has been written here. Regarding the Forte's, I like them, the pairing sounds very good. I'm sure upgrading the Forte's could result in a better sounding system, but what is the "cost / reward" ratio ?

Marktheshark Thank you for this thread. It also gives me more understanding how amp react to the speakers.Mikelavigne thank you for the link, It helps .