I dont know milhorn secret sauce for speakers but he is right on this ... Musicality is a natural experience not an artificial or biased taste ...Psycho-acoustics science and experience rules audio not specific relative individual tastes ...
The fact that some human prefer to eat their victim living or /and dead has nothing to do with french or chinese refined culinary chemistry ...And the excellence of french or chinese culinary is grounded in perspectival educated cultural choices in chemistry grounded in the humam metabolism not in ungrounded idyosyncrasique arbitrary tastes ...Only sellers and marketers think that ...
Then "natural" soundfield is not arbitrary but conditioned by acoustics and psycho-acoustics concepts and conditions not by price tags ...
phusis what’s "natural" sounding to some obviously isn’t to others - if only it came down to that.
I don’t agree that the natural sound to me is unnatural to some others since we hear natural sounds (voices, winds, dog barking, car tire and engine sounds, water flowing, etc.) everywhere. Alex/Wavetouch
phusis what’s "natural" sounding to some obviously isn’t to others - if only it came down to that.
I don’t agree that the natural sound to me is unnatural to some others since we hear natural sounds (voices, winds, dog barking, car tire and engine sounds, water flowing, etc.) everywhere. Alex/Wavetouch