help choosing a turn table

good evening,

I will be purchasing my first turn table..  it will be for a second system using a Lyngdorf TDA 1120 combined with a pair of monitor audio gold 100 speakers .  Budget is preferably < 2k and ideally < $1,500..  music to be played is likely classic rock, 80 s music, maybe some alternative.. want detailed sound that is not fatiguing .. appreciate everyone’s input thanks 


btw the rumour that Rega is overhyped and overpriced is as old as Rega. 


@rbgator94  Looking forward to reading your initial experiences with the Vinyl Source.

I'm sure there will be plenty of entertainment to be had. 

I’m a Rega agnostic. The design philosophy is contrarian, so it might succeed or fail in practice, but I’ve never heard any Rega so far as I can recall. If Rega is right, almost everyone else is wrong.