Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC

I would be extremely interested in how this sounds once released. Small write-up below from PTA below which can be found here:

I was on the hunt for the new Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC ($3,600) on CAF Day One and spoke with founder Mark Schneider. Mark explained that they really hadn’t intended on designing a DAC, but fate, technology, and a key supporting cast presented itself. With a steep learning curve, outside help, and alignment of the universe the Aero DAC was born. This R2R ladder DAC uses the ZOTL output stage, zero negative feedback, and isolated power rails. I’ll report more on how this reasonably priced tube DAC sounds in the Day 2 show report once I track it down.


128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtoro3

It’s using the Analog devices 1865 Multibit dac chip 

one per channel would be optimum , Mojo audio take it to the limit 

on their upper dacs for comparisons  ,different topologies though 

ithought maybe LTA would offer Lundahl transformers like they do in their preamp 

as a option but guess not , Mojo does ,and uses the same Bellison regulator 

forgery clean power , for sure itwill be smooth and detailed , your choice of 6 sn7 

tubewill dictate some of its tonal balance ,since millions of these tubes were made .NOS, it should be interesting .

I heard the Aero in two different rooms at CAF. Pure magic says I, who is luke warm at best to digital sound reproduction. Heard it twice in the Daedalus room which is a very familiar sound for me—excepting the new LTA monos which were new to my ears. Also in Clayton’s room, also sounding very analogue in terms of visceral engagement. Very promising debut!

This is a very interesting entry into the DAC market. I have heard the Linear Tube Audio ZOTL Ultralinear+ amplifier and there's a clarity without harshness to that amp which is what I'd want in a DAC. I recently ditched my MHDT Orchid because I wanted more clarity from the source (I have tubes further down the chain), so I'm a bit reluctant to have tubes back in the source but if LTA is achieving the same clarity with this DAC as with their amps, then it might be a winner.

A friend who is an expert repair person and an audio equipment designer made an interesting comment about the details offered so far: "What they don't say makes me notice, there is no mention of how they are handling the USB input, only that it has one. The I/V converter with no resistors seems all but impossible to me. It says discreet, that's great but one cannot build a discreet transistor or tube circuit without them. I suspect they mean not using a resistor directly for I/V conversion, but how it's written sits poorly with me. It may sound great, I cannot say. Certainly it can't play high bit rate music, but most stuff is 16bit."
I can't pretend to understand the technical details of his question, but the fact he has them makes me curious.