@unreceivedogma Your proviso makes sense. Room size and room tuning are important regardless of the size of the speaker. But it is indeed all relative.
Which brings me to @phusis The point you seem to be making is that a big speaker can be made to work well in a small space. I would not dispute this, but what it also means is that the big speaker is probably not working to its fullest in said space due to size limitations. What you say about a small speaker in a large space is not always true either. IME, a small speaker can be made to work well in a large space, but the job is also not easy.
The point I think some are missing here, is this. If you try and shoe-horn a large speaker into a small ( not even medium) space that is too small for the speaker, then you will not be listening to what the large speaker can deliver, assuming that it has decent SQ in the first place. Conversely, if you try and place a small speaker into a too large space, then you will most likely also have to deal with various issues, and if not done, the small speaker will probably sound...small. Which is why i do believe that fitting your speaker size to the size of your room is very important, otherwise you will have to fight the lack of synergy at the very least.