KEF LS60: Distance from wall behind them

I'n most of the video reviews of the KEF LS60 I've seen, the speakers appear to be quite close to the wall behind them.  I realize they are not rear ported, but is there a recommended minimum distance from the wall behind them.  They will be replacing KEF References 1s that are 45" from the wall behind them.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd

@dbphd Bass management and crossovers are two different beasts, and one is definitely not a substitute for the other. The only exception to this is that most AVRs bass management does crossover as well as level and EQ. 

IIRC the Velodyne SMS-1 does both low-pass crossover and bass management. The first is a simple setting of frequency and slope, the second entails acoustic measurement of sound generated in the room. You can let the SMS-1 seek a solution based on the measurements as it adjusts its way along the spectrum or you can tweak the bands if you’re so inclined, and there are lots of things to tweak. Full range analog goes from the Ayre KX-5 Twenty preamp to the SMS-1. I’m assuming analog will go from the pair of LS60s to the SMS-1, but the KEF Contact app may low-pass it. I may be wrong. Of course the SMS-1 sends room corrected analog to the pair of HGS-15s.

You replaced REF 1 with LS60? Why? 

I thought the Dynaudio Focus XD 60 was going to be sublime! It was not although super clean sounding. Amazing for vocal intelligibility on tv. Music. Ayyy. Ok ish. 

I haven't replaced the Reference 1s with LS60 yet, but I have a rack of Ayre gear and at 87 aim to simplify.  Kal Rubinson's review in Stereophile suggests they provide excellent sound quite close to Blade 2s.