Electrical and mechanical matching of gear need the ears (acoustics) ...
And it is less about our taste than about the parameters of our ears coupled to the parameters of the system/room ...
If i want to tune my speakers with vibrations control with a damping load which must be fine tuned under 100 gram of precision for an optimal result , be it with springs or with a sandwich of various materials we must use our ears to fine tune it ..
if we want to pick an amplifier over another amplifier choice we must put them in a specfic room and couple them with specific speakers for our ears to judge ...Electricals specs matching are not enough and will not tell all the story to be told ... And it is less about taste than about our ears catching in an optimal way the acoustic factors at play with this speakers room or this other one ... Taste there is, but taste it is not ....
Taste in audio, contrary to all the marketing aiming at the consumers ignorance, is secondary ; acoustics and psycho-acoustics knowledge primary ...
All that i described is basic...I dont know way much than you for sure and perhaps less on many others aspects but at least i know that ...
First step must be electrical/mechanical matching. Acoustical matchimg is another and different issue that mainly depends ( everything the same ) of what we like it/taste..