vandersteen Quatro or sonus faber elipsa

Need help. I have Ref 75 amp 2 drive these speakers.
Room size 13x17 just need some opinions. which speaker would u buy. Thanks

The original Elipsa or the current Elipsa SE (Red)? I own an Audio Research Ref 110 and a pair of the Elipsa SEs. This is a wonderful combination.

What type of music do you listen to? If it is hard rock I would tend toward the vandersteen Quatros. If you listen more to Classical, Jazz, Soft rock or singer songwriter type music then I would choose the Elipsas SE.

The SE version of the Elipsas are different than the original Elipsas. The SE version was designed to be more of a baby Stradivari Homage and uses the same tweeter. The finish is the same high gloss violin red or graphite as the Stradivari. This is a very special speaker.
The Vandy Quatro is an outstanding speaker that does full justice to virtually all styles of music. The newest "CT" version is so good that it will challenge speakers costing $20k and more.
Both are excellent, good matches with your amp. While the Sonus Fabers are known as speakers for the music lover, I would say that the Vandys are as well, they are very versatile speakers that don't favor one genre of music over another. One possible advantage of the Vandersteens is their built-in bass amplifiers, which might make integration with your room a little better.