Dealers with excellent listening rooms?

Hi everyone,

Not looking to buy but was thinking that it has been a very long time since I heard excellent gear in an excellent room. Outside of regional shows, where do you go to hear things in a post Amazon, post covid-19 world?


a rare beast. for a number of reasons. any room where gear is frequently moved in and out will be less than ideal. or a room with multiple speakers will not be ideal. better listening rooms need to mature with stable gear. odds are against it. but i’m sure there are a few that are good that i don’t know about.

as a group what might be the best collection of rooms would be Rhapsody Audio based in NYC. they have 6 showrooms all around the country. and part of why they are good is the brands they represent are not all typical brick and mortar brands. they have pretty esoteric stuff. but they take their sound very seriously.

i have done business with them in the past but currently do not own any gear from them. so i’m not in any way connected to them. but i do know them, good guys who know great sound and music.

select ’Rhapsody Locations’ from this link to see where they are.

Fidelis in Nashua is excellent.    Audio Video Therapy has a few rooms of great gear too.   

Any of the Magnificent 7 Vandersteen dealers :-) 

get out more, invite people in, join LA / Orange county audio society, SD Audio guild, etc…..

I host the sane and near sane every now and then….

@mikelavigne does same and i greatly admire and respect him for that contribution