Tidal or Qobuz

Many say Qobuz sounds better than Tidal, not Jay. 

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viRfrUktBY - 3:58 to 6:42



MQA is simply unlistenable (to me). Heard enough of that in one night to last a lifetime and switched immediately to Qobuz. Conductor control app can be a pain, but the SQ, not to mention the breadth of catalogue . . .  no other streaming service (in my experience) comes close.

I have both, and I  find Qobuz to be slightly better. Honestly, if someone preferred the tidal interface, I'm not sure the difference that I hear would be decisive, at least, until you get it into your head that one is better than the other.
then, confirmation bias kicks in

Amazon unlimited lossless. Less money more music  better layout same sound quality

Tidal sounds better to me 90% of the time. Neither is perfect though. There are albums available on Tidal that you won’t find on Qobuz. If you can afford to keep both, that would be the way to go.