No one can be against blind test ...
We use them in an informal manner when we must verify some thing, location, effect, etc...
But the ideological stance using this tool as a method for the elimination of any qualia perceived as delusional in a systematic way against anyone claiming something about any piece of gear or any factors , rightfully or wrongly, nevermind , is irritating for many ...
Anybody using a new devices can and must take a blind test in his own way if there is a doubt about a product ... I did it with my Schumann generators grid to test if the effect is an illusion or real ... I did it twice , the first time unvolontarily because i forgot to switch them on ... The next time i try them in a blind test with my wife ...
And perhaps the systematic proposition of these test at all interventions about any qualities experienced by someone also may reflect an erroneous take on audio and on acoustics experience , a focus more on the gear than on acoustic circonstances and factors ... So yes, the anger of some subjectivist audiophiles can be a defense mechanism , but the systematic rejection by professional blind tester objectivist of the subjective experience resulting from the trained biases of some audiophiles is also a problem ...
it is why i cannot be an objectivist nor an objectivist ... But i prefer subjectivists which at least trust their ears ... Because i believe in acoustics i trust my ears too ...
This does not means that my ears cannot be deceived but they need to be trained and tested by my own blind test on the spot because blind test is a tool for me not a show to debunk people ... And if audio is not about gear taste first and last , it is not either about electrical measuring tools first and last , it is about acoustic training and psycho-acoustics knowledge first and last ...
in the incremental process of tuning a system mechanically, electrically and acoustically there is no big place for placebo effect and delusion and negative biases ... Tuning a room system ask for hundred and hundreds of modification that add together in some direction ... No need for a double blind test at the end to know that our system is metamorphosed completely by these many hundred of modifications ...
For sure if someone claim that a mere cable had completely transformed his system we dont need double blind test to debunk his claim as an exageration at best and at worst a deception or a self deception ...
Cables made generally small changes compared to vibration/resonance mechanical control, compared to electrical noise floor level control, and especially compared to acoustics modification which are hugely impactful... Even compared to some other minor optimization devices , cables are less spectacular changes generally in my experience ...I had observed more positive changes by the way i myself modify my own cables but this is another story and i dont sell anything anyway ... And yes i blind tested these addition i use with my cables .. 😊
.. 😁😊
These tests should inform audiophiles about the nature of how we perceive sound. If the mere existence of these tests anger you maybe you should think about why. Maybe it just hits too close to home and threatens your belief system. And your anger is just a defense mechanism trying to protect your emotional investment in your beliefs?