power amp ideas for less than $3000

updating my main front amplifier in my 9.1.6 theater system. front left and right are B&W 803D.  thoughts on amps under $3000? 

i have been exploring Classe CT-2300 and Krell Kav-250a

thanks  in advance !


Upvote for the Schitt Tyr monoblocks. I’m using them to drive Maggie 3.7is. 

Parasound 21+ is a excellent amplifier 

perrottaConsultants excellent service and pricing you can get for-under $3k.


i recently added front wide speakers so i will use existing Rotel amps for this new channel. This opens a vacancy for my front mains , i enjoy the system but have felt for a while that my main speakers are being underserved by the Rotel 1595.