Tung-Sol kt170 tube started glowing brighter

I installed 8 Tong-Sol kt170 tubes in my Sonic Frontier Power 2 amp. One tube started glowing a bright orange, yellow at the lower portion. I hear no sound interference. Should I replace it? If so, replace paired, right channel quad or all eight for matching purposes? I did swap the tube into different socket and it is the tube.


KT170 tubes have been around for several years. Have you moved that tube to another hole to see if it is the tube or your amp? 

Yes, the tube was moved and I can confirm it is the tube. My question is about matching and all the numbers that that go with that. I moved the tube, I biased all tubes and googled a lot. Can I replace the one tube I buy to replace the bad tube and bias the 8 tubes over again and be where I should be at a great result?

I would just buy one tube and pray for the best, keep the bright one as a backup. If purchased new you should have a 30day warranty I am sure you are past that. 

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