The fact that a process is methodically established and rigorously as a high cuisine protocol "chef" dont means it is relevant to be called science ...It can be based on scientific attitude as medecine is, but medecine based on science is also a healing human art ...It is not reducible to linear diagnostic eliminative methods automation so useful thery can be and they are ...
Science is not about protocol and statistics , even if there is protocols and statistics in science for sure ...The attitude and protocol of the INDIVIDUAL thinking process and of awareness direction are primary for creativity ...Standardization of the thinking process is the death of art as it is the death of science ....Technology subsist very well to the standadization of the thinking process in a new religious form : transhumanism ...
Then there is an abuse of the word here using the word science associated to double blind test ... The simple or double blind test may be objectives controls method they are not sciences "per se" ... The bowl containing water is not the water ...
In Acoustics the neurophysiology of hearing and the multiple theories of hearings are the background behind which any objecttive description of the facts must be interpreted to be called science ... Acoustics is a science, not double blind test which is a tool and a protocol which may be or may be not part of a process , the results of such tests are facts that waited to be interpreted ... These test are not a mechanism for producing facts they are themselves merely facts among other facts waiting to be interpreted in the context of psycho-acoustics theories ...
As i said simple blind test are usual in any desing process , double blind test protocols, cannot be used on a day to day designing routine process ...They are mainly useful at the end as a marketing or as a manifestation of a result for everybody who want to try ...
When an audiophile design his system parts together in an long and continuous optimization process mechanically, electrically and acoustically , he use simple blind test by intention or by accident or the two ...
Proposing to audiophiles a public double blind test protocols is meaningfull for secondary acoustic facts : which cables make a difference for example ... It is impractical and useless for primary psycho- acoustic facts evaluation which may resulted from multiple electrical,mechanical and acoustical specific factors all together ...It is way easier to learn how to listen and hear objectively by trials and errors and by analysing scientific principles behind the audio system/room /ears ...
Simple blind tests are s necessary and are enough for all designers and audiophiles ... Claiming that double blind test must be done by audiophiles is scientist ideology at best not science and may be an organized deception on a stage at worst ...
Industry using products as new drugs need these double blind protocols to eliminate placebo effects first and second to compute statistics for the establishment of the effect of a drug , this drug can be useless by the way, it does not matter for them .... In the perception of sound qualities, placebo effect and biases are inevitable, we must learn how to put them aside not necessarily to erase them ...Qualia too are studies in acoustics not only physical waves ..
In psycho-acoustics too scientist designed double blind tests , for example to measure some aspect of sound perception , but they do it as a protocol to ELIMINATE FOR A MOMENT a biased interpretation and search for the correct theory behind the facts when they can isolate them, and they use this protocol statistically ... This method cannot be transfered to audio evaluation perception directly in a room during the designing process of one designer ...As i said simple blind test is enough during the optimization of the audio perceptive and choosing process ...
Scientism masquareding as science is a big problem nowadays ...It has been one for centuries ...Materialism was this unsunkable Titanic of scientism till he encounter the invisible iceberg : quantum mechanics ...Now technological cults has replaced the sunked Titanic materialism and want to impose this ideology on the world for a complete control of the inexisting free spirit ...Materialism was affirmative : only matter exist ....Now the refined ressuscitated materialism in the technological cults as transhumanism devalorise humans to be replaced by "intelligence" because if matter dont exist , the soul dont exist too , only abstract intelligence existm machines ...No free will and no soul ....