Did a satisfaction threshold exist under 1000 bucks ?

Is there a minimal/optimal subjective and also objective threshold of minimal satisfaction ?
If so, many upgrade chasing may seems like a dog chasing his tail....😁
I just live through one of this upgrading  event...
My system is very good, and when i tried to upgrade it , it was more a curiosity about the new amplifier than a real need...
But keep in mind that my system is 700 bucks for all components... My upgrade trying cost 1000 bucks...😁
Anyway i myself think that there is objective acoustic factors that define good sound, and when these factors are there on this threshold line , most upgrade are a change not always for the better  not an improvement...
Am i alone who live throught this ? am i alone to be satisfied by under 1000 bucks system, headphone and speakers dac and amplifier included ?😁
For sure i listen alone... Many had wife and friends listening with them... This implicate costlier system able to accomodate a room , not headphone or small speakers for one in an acoustic corner for one ...
Anyway am i alone in acoustic bliss with under 1000 bucks system ?

I bought a pair of the Andrew Jones designed speakers (ELAC Uni-Fi 2.0 UB52 Bookshelf Speakers) for an extra room while they were on sale for $419.98 recently and must say that this guy really knows what he's doing.  No speaker has impressed me this much in decades.  I did buy the Debut 2.0 before those and sent them back though.  The difference between the two is dramatic.

Thanks very much to the two of you ....Ellajeanelle and deep_333...

I put them on my memory as a first choice USED ...

because my budget is limited ... They will cost me new at least 8 times the price of my actual completely satisfying one ... Even if i dont doubt that they will be better after my optimization process ...😊

But to give you more information , my actual self powered speakers , which i modified goes to 50 hertz as the Elac with a smaller woofer by the way ... Clear, not boomy with natural relatively good timbre and they work fine for now ...So much i dont need a sub in my acoustical corner treated and designed for them ...

If they broke i will go with a used Elac for many reasons + your two informed recommendations ...And they are relatively small then perfect for me ... And i can work the porthole and design it for my ears as i did with my low cost self powered good speakers which improved tremendously with this and vibration/resonance controls and shielding and deceasing of the noise floor level with my homemade plate ...

I thank you a lot for the kind advice ...



Making the most with the less is true audio knowledge...

You are missing out a bit. There is a true audio savant in industry named Andrew Jones who offered charity for many years. It may be practically impossible for other dudes to eek out quality sound with non-existent budgets like Andrew. You probably owe it to yourself to try one of his speakers. He uses Yamaha amps primarily when voicing his speakers.

Elac Debut 2.0 bookshelf speakers, msrp ~350 usd

Yamaha A-S301 integrated amp., msrp ~350 usd

Get them used for way less. It may be a big upgrade from what you currently have.

I bought a pair of the Andrew Jones designed speakers (ELAC Uni-Fi 2.0 UB52 Bookshelf Speakers) for an extra room while they were on sale for $419.98 recently and must say that this guy really knows what he's doing.  No speaker has impressed me this much in decades.  I did buy the Debut 2.0 before those and sent them back though.  The difference between the two is dramatic.

I saw Andrew yesterday and a few other brilliant music obsessed builders of great gear… most make an effort at the absolute best they know how to do and trickle down….. God bless them.

Interesting to see where Elac goes now that A Jones is long gone...I realize they've been around a long time, and I believe have a separate design team for their sold in Europe speakers...

@ghdprentice IF you don’t mind, i intend to copyright Outward Bound Audio…. ha….

Love it….. i too have had very similar experience far from civilization…..