Any other Pipe And Slippers Audiophiles out there? • View topic - Half pipe and slippers..........


Oh yeah,  @akg_ca, 71, quit smoking tobacco 12 yrs ago, preferences, a fine old Bourbon and my vape pen, all the nicotine, without the tar! McIntosh w/ JBL's. It's all good except for the aforementioned side effects. Getting old isn't for meek.


On LL's website home of page in the search box with magnifying glass, try Item #510528 Men's Boot Mocs.  Sorry, looks like the two other styles in wide widths are sold out.  And, ya...we round up top and flatten on bottom!  :)   A widow told me her deceased husband insisted on being buried wearing his LL slippers.  

A warm Holiday Greetings to all our contributors in AudiogoN FORUM.  We are so fortunate to have the companionship of music and friends for the long haul.  

More Peace    Pin           (bold print for old eyes)


Good Irish whiskey, craft beer, excellent local weed, crocs. A mild gummy here and there...I do have a tux, but I don't want my wife to call the authorities and have me committed...I hate that...don't you?