Does it bother you when you see inflated MSRP’s for used gear on AG?

Chances are if you’re looking at an ad you already know what it went for when new but I still find it annoying / irritating at best and dishonest at worst.  Moreover, it seems the trend is getting worse in terms of frequency and % of inflating original retail prices.  In some cases, (where applicable), a seller’s response usually revolve something like, “well, that is the current price” , not acknowledging that current models often have upgrades that would account, at least partially,  for the increase.    Am I the only one that is bothered by this?  Just curious.


Nope … it no longer bother’s me. It’s getting worse .

No amount of intercedence or suggestion I might provide will get them to change or fix it . And their umbrage invoked on the effort



Fine …. Carry on …. Each to his own ….. no worries

You can try to heal the sick, but you can’t raise the dead ,


Come’s economics 101—what the market will bear.

I tried negotiating with a seller and he promptly asked, "Do you want it or not?"

it bothers me, but then again, sometimes when selling gear I purchased used, I do some research and find a few different MSRP, and there has been no changes to the often seems during Covid many list prices went up, then came back down again...

It irritates me to no end why they do that. I have tried to correct a few, but always get shot down. One guy did ask me if I wanted it or not and before I answered he said he had plenty of offers. 3 weeks or so later, he sent me a "still interested?" and I told him I was never interested in it, just wanted him to know the suggest retail price was way too high. I also said, "you had all those offers, I guess they figured out you jacked up the retail on it." After that, it was curtains. Sky Fi was the worst, I was basically told to GFMS.

No it doesnot both me , only a fool would pay for a jacked up price 

I never would rarely even pay 50% , unless it was exceptionally good and 

could not get one new for a  good price would I pay max 60% if pretty new.