***Seasons Greetings A'goners***Are You Getting Any New Gear For Christmas***

A Pathos Classic Remix Mk.II integrated amplifier/DAC/headphone & a pair of HiFiMan Deva Pro bluetooth headphones...How about you folks?


I recently downgraded so probably nothing new for me. Maybe a $30 Stylus Tracking Force Pressure Gauge


Hope you guys have some sweet new (or used) exciting gear and stress free Holidays!


I’m down to living Vicariously thru my friends changes,

why do you think I come here :)​​​​​​

(1) SILENT ANGEL BONN N8 network switch

(2) iFi lan silencer

Until recently, I never paid attention to the LAN component bits.

- Firstly, I upgraded all the AMAZON Ethernet cables to premium high-end build CAT7 cables. That stepup in audio performance was immediate.

- Then on the basis of both reviews and my dealer, I inserted an iFI POWERX upgraded power supply into the run-of-the-mill BESTBUY big box store brand $30- ish common network switch . Hmmm … another distinct further audio improvement that was not subtle ,,,,, blacker background and more “presence” as noise reduction is better again. ….who knew?

- Now it’s time to complete the LAN streaming cradle-to-grave evolution with new attention given to the network switch and overall LAN noise elimination. with these two items. My dealer is favourably navel gazing insertion in their demo system. The reviews below have peaked my interest. There are numerous alternate brands and escalating pricepoints ….










Couldn't think of anything I needed or wanted.  It seems Christmas is a 365 day a year thing in this house.  Merry Christmas!


The only new gear I'm chasing is a new BBQ grill, in lieu of getting the LS50 Metas that are on sale now for a great price (no affiliation).

Merry Christmas everyone.