At the level participated in by many here, this is a niche hobby with a relatively wide range of products being marketed to a relatively small (and becoming smaller) audience of hobbyists. As such, development, manufacturing, inventory, and sales costs are high on a per unit basis. Parts and construction costs are not going to directly relate to retail pricing in many cases.
There are many considerations that impact the difference between a successful endeavor and a failure in this industry, such as the depth of a product range, price points served, dealer network or not, volume of manufacturing operation, and more. I suspect for most, success in the audio industry is precarious at best, mostly for people who really love audio, and certainly not for the faint of heart.
As a buyer, do your homework and realize the person looking out for you the most is yourself. If you find some folks along the way that you develop good relationships with and can trust, remember that those relationships need to be 2-way streets to survive.