A couple of months ago me and a friend of mine compared, just for fun, his Exposure 3010 integrated amplifier to my Accuphase E470. As expected, the Accuphase proved superior. We did the comparison in my system, where I use the bare wire at the speaker end of the speaker cable, while the amplifier end benefits from some WBT gold plated cable sleeves (WBT-0437). However, his amplifier only accepts bananas, so we inserted the sleeve terminated ends of the speaker cable into 4 WBT Nextgen gold plated copper bananas (WBT-0610 Cu). After we finished, I removed the bananas and reconnected the sleeved cable to my Accuphase. Both me and my friend were astonished by the positive difference made by the removal of the (expensive and well regarded) WBT bananas: obviously better texture, detail, mostly everything was better. In a way, this was a more impressive improvement than going from the Exposure amplifier to the Accuphase because, although (somewhat!) lower in magnitude iirc, it did not included any back steps at all (even moving from Exposure to the much more expensive Accuphase was not an improvement on all fronts, the Exposure had a bit more drive / punch in the midbass).
So in my experience sleeved wire = or > bare wire >>>> WBT bananas.
I have also experienced with WBT spades, they are sounding slightly different to the bananas (the bananas have more drive in the bass, the spades have a more euphonic, warmer midrange). Generally speaking, I didn't like the sound of the silver or rhodium plated connectors I've tried so far. The speaker cable is OCC copper and even the oxidized bare wires at the speaker end proved clearly superior to the WBT connectors (bought from the authorized dealer, so I have no suspicion they could be fakes).
I bet removing the binding posts will improve the sound. I'm firmly in the fewer connectors = better sound camp.