Sonus Faber Olympica III or Vienna Acoustics Lists

......I am looking at both of these speakers and wanted a little feedback from the members here. They would be driven by an Esoteric A-03 amp - 50 watts of Class A power. Music is from the Allman Brothers to Frank Zappa to Neil Young to Muddy Waters to Eva Cassidy get the picture. Let me know ...thanks
........thanks Goose as I had owned the Ascendants as well as the Avalon Eclipse's for a number of years. I just could not get the bass just right on the Avalon's.
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Jmcgrogan2 according to the dealer I spoke with, the Gibbons X was due to start shipping now. I haven't checked in lately. The price is around $15,500.
"06-04-15: Goose... The Olympica's were more closed in and boxy sounding."


I don't know what Olympica 3's you were listening to but they are one of the best soundstaging speakers (not to be confused with image placement,which the BW does well) that I have ever heard. Could have been a associated component problem. The B&W"s are a fine speaker for sure but I would have to believe that people after the Sonus faber sound would pass on the B&W. It boils down to priority and taste.
I also think the B&W sound better than the Olympica 3's. Their upper bass region seemed to creep up into the lower mids, giving vocals a chesty, heavy type of sound. The B&W's also have a somewhat ripe upper bass range, but doesn't creep up into the lower mids. IMO.