Streamer Comparison and Suggestions

I am considering options for a new streamer for the specific purpose of improving sound quality as a Roon endpoint feeding a DAC.  

The set-up:

  • networked server/Roon core in a separate room
  • connection to my main system using fiber, a converter and LPS
  • very short Ethernet cable into dual Bonn N8 switches
  • Network Acoustics Ethernet cable then muon filter
  • Metrum Acoustics Ambre Roon endpoint/streamer (currently)
  • Variety of DACs having USB, S/PDIF, and AES/EBU input options

The Ambre is a Raspberry Pi based device with internal LPS and femto clocking.  I am curious whether some of the more expensive, more well-known streamer options may result in improved sound quality as a Roon endpoint feeding my DAC - which is my only goal.  I intend to continue using Roon to control Tidal, Qobuz, and my server stored music files so the addition of fancy touchscreens, on-board storage, or optional player software will not affect my decision unless the device also offers improved sound quality.  

Streamers I have been considering are in the $5-8K price range and include:

  • Sonore Signature Rendu SE (optical or otherwise - USB output only) $5,300
  • Innuos Pulsar (USB output only) $7,999
  • Auralic Aries G2.2 (lots of flexibility) $6,099

Thanks for any suggestions and specifically any comparisons between the streamers listed above.


I use the Sonore microRendu with my Small Green Computer (SGC) Roon core/server, and am quite happy, but have considered moving up to the OpticalRendu. The SE is above my budget but has gotten excellent reviews.

You obviously have a handle on networking and optical—much more than I. The Sonore isn’t an all-in-one server/streamer like the Innuos, though — just a streamer. Oh, I was told by the SGC guy that the Sonore power supply is better than the SGC one (which I use), though 3 or 4 times more expensive...FWIW.

Steve Plaskin with Twitering Machines reviewed the Signature Rendu SE/optical- May 6, 2019
Steve said, "Sonore has managed to take the original Signature Rendu SE to a higher performance level with the new Signature Rendu SE – optical Ethernet to USB output. The folks at Sonore have made it simple to assemble the optical setup with their systemOptique certified list of approved gear that will eliminate a good deal of component trial and error. Sonore has combined their new opticalRendu and upgraded Signature Linear Power Supply to create a superb component that improves upon their previous work and delivers the finest streaming USB source I have yet experienced."


Innuos is doing some interesting things now it seems, and I was interested in their units for a time, but several years ago I’d read that their mid-level servers didn’t run Roon well because they lacked gigabytes for the OS, and that their native SENSE app (as an alternative to Roon) wasn’t fully evolved. Is it now? They have expanded their product line and I have NO idea what I would be interested in now. I don’t see Roon mentioned much on their website in a quick look just now ... do they still offer a Roon-ready or approved servers? Innuos


This comment is probably not very useful to you! But I couldn’t resist, and now I have to walk the dog. 😎

I'll add Lumin U2 as a streamer worth looking at. Their hardware and software quality is exceptional. The U2 can also be paired with an upgraded Lumin X1 power supply.


I have looked at the Lumin line up and was interested in the U2 mini, especially with the option of removing the SMPS and changing over to an exterior LPS.  However, I could not find anywhere on their website the voltage or amperage of the X1 PS to determine if that would work with the U2 mini, but there are other options.  It may be one of the best low-cost options, along with the Optical or Ultra Rendu with upgraded external PS.  The full size U2 at $5K has its own internal LPS, which appears to be pretty good.

@mitch2 the X1 power supply isn't compatible with the U2 Mini. Something to keep in mind is that bypassing the U2 Mini internal power supply with a third-party linear power supply will void the warranty.

I have owned two different Lumin products and have been very happy with both of them. Based on your budget you could probably grab a great deal on a Lumin X1 that is previously owned.

Good luck and let us know what you decide to do.