How good is good enough?

Most of us here cannot afford six figure prices for each component (assuming that will bring the best sound.) So how far do we want to go to improve our systems? There are always bigger fish. When does it stop? It stops when we say it stops, when our gear brings us satisfaction. To constantly strive for better sound is an endless quest, not necessarily based on the quality of our set but on our personality.


It's two-fold. 

When the music sounds spectacular, I am done. I just want to listen.

When I see a gear and start thinking about what it might do for me, I am back to being not done. 

I'm satisfied with my system and can't fathom seeing myself drop 6 figures on anything audio. 

There is a very excellent book on Getting Better Sound by Jim Smith - i buy them used and carry a gift copy in my traveling setup box… Lots of things to do improve your system / enjoyment without spending $

So, i am NEVER done…. Lord help me if she discovers, i’ve hidden absorbers behind the wall arte….

I think that I am probably a tad diagnostically OCD, and due to that I will never ever be truly happy knowing that there is always something I could do to improve some aspect.

However, I am at a point in my life and disposable income that reality dictates that even if it is not "good enough" it is going to have to do.

I am also forced to learn the art of making more with less. Necessity is the mother of innovation, being broke is the father of creativity