I previously thought that you were knowledgeable and just needlessly argumentative. Now I see it is much worse-you are entirely ignorant.
No, you just have to replace a noisy idler wheel every couple of months or so.
Garrard and Thorens experts have stated repeatedly in their writings that it is not uncommon to find thirty year old idler wheels that remain perfectly true.
You could substitute a modern electronically controlled motor so you can have more accurate rumble.
Are you going to blame this on your dyslexia again or will you just admit that you are awful (and dumb) with your native language?
There are many excellent modern turntables, either belt or direct drive that are quieter, more speed stable and better isolated. This is not an opinion. It is a matter of fact.
Not opinion? Hooboy! Who let the inmate out of the cuckoo's nest?
You could substitute a modern electronically controlled motor
You clearly are incapable of comprehending Ralph's point and it again shows that you know nothing about turntables. I am shocked. Speed control for a relatively weak motor will do nothing to address the micro-level (instantaneous) speed changes that Ralph is talking about.
@mijostyn Your Sota is a fine turntable. It is nowhere close to being perfect and is no more state of the art (pun) than a top level modified and updated TD124 or 301.
Leave me out of the equation-read the S'Phile review of the newly released version of the 301and then tell all of us that it is not a matter of opinion, it is a fact that the reviewer is wrong. Tell all of us that it is not a matter of opinion, it is a fact that Art Dudley was wrong.
Last, I will bet dollars to donuts that my Reed 3P arms easily outperform whatever arm you have installed on your Sota.