Aardvark Ethernet noise isolator

Has anyone tried one of these? Love the name...

I have an Ether Regen which outputs fiber to my Lumin X1.

So, I guess this device would go into the input of the Ether Regen but would its use of fiber out negate the Aardvark advantages? Will I be able to tell if it improves sound quality?

Anyway, I am such a tweaker that I went ahead and ordered one anyway.

Just looking for anyone who may have experience with the device.



Wow Thanks for that info! I'll check it out.

The Aardvark comes with a 14-day return (-) shipping costs. And I'm not shy about returning something if it doesn't impress me.


Ok all is intriguing and it will be interesting to hear about the performance.  Would there be any benefit to installing an ethernet noise isolator if you have an optical set-up like mine? Thanks

Mesh Router-ethernet cable-Fmc-optical cable-Fmc-ethernet cable-streamer

I think, (if these things do work), if you can reduce noise, it should be a sound improvement. Especially, if it is in the front of the chain.



in my experience the conversion to opticsl has its own issues leading to a grey, anodine sound. Certainly the converters lead high quality LPSs to get acceptable reults. I nevertheless ultimately stayed with Ethernet

Perhaps, but I have found it to really sound better, much more natural sound. However, my Lumin X1 can receive fiber direct without conversions.

So, I have fiber coming out of the Ether Regen to the Lumin, seems to be much better than when I used ethernet cable. At least with my set up.
