Do you adjust your subwoofer

I have kef reference 3 speakers and a rel 510 subwoofer 

 I keep the  crossover low and the volume low as well. It gives just a little extra down low

I was wondering if people bump up the subwoofer when using it for movies, just for the extra thrill



My secondary system shares space with our modest home theater.  Both have separate subs.  The crossover and volume are quite different in both systems. The home theater crossover is higher,as welll as the volume. That is for the extra boom for movies. 

Hell yeah. Second system. No sub on main. Depends on the mood. REL S3 SHOs. Different recordings have different levels so I might make a few tweaks now and then.

The science answer would refer you to Fletcher-Munson and Harman curves. The subjectivist says turn to where it sounds right for what you're listening to. The purist epoxies the level knob in place only after excruciating critical listening sessions with curated selections. At the end of the day, you'll set it where you like the best, and don't have to mess with it too often 

I have two SVS Ultra 13subs with upgraded plate amps and now I can control all the settings on the subs through the SVS DSP app on my smart phone My tower speakers have built-in powered subs also, I have my SVS subs crossed over at 40 hz and sub volume relatively low  Depending on what's playing on my streaming play list i will tweak the volume and crossover on the fly  It's so easy to return it back to the original settings 


Not all recordings seem to have the same bass level.  I mean, what seems right to me, for that material.  So I do change the volume.  It's a db scale on my remote app so within about a  3-5 db range I find seems "right" in 90% of recordings.  Others set and forget.  As far as locating the sub that's a multi-faceted solution.  I find I can locate the sub at around 78hz and above so there's that.  Volume less impacting to me/my set up.