Polishing a Micro Seiki RT 3000G Gunmetal platter

Just received my Micro Seiki BL 111 turntable from Japan and would like to polish the platter. Anyone have any experience with this task? Thanks


Lets rephrase the OP's inquiry.

I have recently received a Imported from Japan Micro Sieki BL 111 Turntable.

I am keen to keep it aesthetically appealing, as this Model has a used market value of between $4K - $6K.

I have a Platter which is in need of being returned to a Highly Polished Finish.

Can a method to achieve this be recommended? 

??? I have not revealed my experiences or competency levels to achieve this as a  finish by myself as the option.



Start with the simplest and least aggressive method of polishing and see if you get the results you want.  Personally, I would start some metal polish and a clean micro fibre cloth. 

I agree with @testpilot   Unless it's been left out in the weather for three decades, I’d be hesitant to take anything resembling sand paper to it.  Pick up any metal polish (check the auto parts store) and combine with elbow grease and a bunch of old sacrificial T-shirts. They’ll turn black as you remove built up oxidation but the platter should shine up nicely as you hand buff it out. A light coat of automotive wax will keep it shiny for a long time.