Going from MM to MC

I have a linn table with an akito2 arm I just replaced the preamp with a rogue rp7 and bought a pro ject phono box DS3B phono preamp.  I am also going to get new phono cable from linn with the xlr ends on it. Right now I have an adikt on my table. I want to go to MC  to get better detail and seperation. I have been researching Cartridges and have narrowed it down to 3  the linn Krystal the lyra delso or the ortofon quintet S black. My Lin repair person is trying to get me to go  with the linn but I have herd the other 2 have better sound  any advice.where to go or even a different one all together  and why thank you Michael. 


@asvjerry : You are correct! I had forgotten about the SL-10! I only encountered it once years ago when I was buying some tubes from a fellow that had one. He showed me his SL-10 and told me it came with an  mc cartridge. I was surprised!

+1 For the Hana SL or its big brother, the  ML. There are simply no better values in MC carts. And if you don't want to mess with MC preamps, Hana offers the SH and MH high output versions.