Tweak Pink Himalayan Salt Lamps.

Okay has any tried this? 
This thread amused me at WBF and I am sure the responses here will too. I am not an anti-tweak guy.



SCAM- always has been, always will be... do with your money what you wish.

I prefer to use it to buy more music or see music live.


@curiousjim that was my question in my original post after finding this on WBF.  Yet to find any real answers other than snark and cynicism. A couple of people have made real contributions to this post.

No problem!  I lived with someone for a few years in Santa Fe that is from the 'new age alternate health care' universe, and frankly it was maddening to feel like I was constantly being gaslit and bullshitted about things like this.

Having said that: I love salt lamps, and I think they look amazing, and are a perfect gizmo to both lighten dark areas of your room, and they can add ballast.  I have one (Like A British Audiophile) on my subwoofer which is black.  It normally looks like a light sucking black box in a corner, and the salt lamp lightens things up, make a nice accent, and it weights the subwoofer stabilizing it better. 

If something makes you "think you feel better", or think you hear things better- and you do, then go for it.  I tend to err on the side of measurements/maths/science/proof.  But the same argument can be made for a component that measures amazingly well, but sounds dull, or uninteresting, or even flat.  I built my own bi-wire speaker cables from old Westinghouse tinned copper wire, and compared to my solid core Anti-cables: both measured, both relatively exactly the same (resistance, capacitance etc.) I swear the home made sound better in my system.   

There are videos of a guy explaining how he puts tiny crystals with blue tac on various chips and capacitors in his components-testing and experimenting to hear which one is best in what orientation......mind blowing.
My Pioneer PD-65 cd player has copper wrapped capacitors on the audio boards: allegedly blocking EMI/RFI and cam be measured. 

+1 for open mind new poster here...

Welcome to you on audiogon amtprod..

And Merry christmas....🎄