Recommendation Tube Integrated

At this juncture (nearly 2024) what are folks' best recommendagtion for a tube integrated amp.  Constraints would be $10K (preferrably $5K or less), at least 35 watts per channel.  New or used.  Goal would be smooth, creamy sound.  My current system, which I would consider very good solid state sound, can still be a little ...hard.... to my sensitive ears at times, and I'm thinking a tube option would be nice.  Thanks.


A great brand isold for years  Aesthetix Mimus integrated  amplifier.

under $8 k and a excellent made in U.S.A Built like a tank and sounds excellent 

Amost impossible to beat a Decware ZMA.  Not easy to find.  Multiyear wait but there are a few on the secondary market.  Like me, some people move from ZMA to SET.   The ZMA has a tremendous power supply so it can provide an honest 35 watts with high current.


I had a Prima Luna(s)* and got Rogers High Fidelity KWM-88. And if you don’t want more wattage here’s  another. eBay takes 13% so a call would save you that. Yes I’m a fan. Read the reviews. These are tip-top. The both can be controlled from a phone or pad. 

*the PL Floyd looks interesting but I haven’t heard one.