The problem is tribal divisions itself programmed by external ideology...
Blaming a political tribes instead of seeing the problem at the larger scale is sleepwalking ...
I just discovered a scientist who was working with two Nobel prize and specialist of alzheimer and genetics who investigated in a new book how programmed we are ...
Nothing happening on earth is by mere chance ... There is no conspiration ., only stupidity trailing greed for power ,all is in the open: controlling dictatorship alleged necessity but in reality by interest and power convergence or democracy itself , which democracy almost disapear as a fact in all Anglo-saxon countries as in Germany and France and stay as a no more working idea for the moment ...( half asleep brains claiming that i advocate speaking so for going to live in China instead of North america may stay mute)😁
The Indoctrinated Brain By Michael Nehls... Dont believe me check his credentials and listen his short interview ...