Integrated for Martin Login Motion 60’s?

I would appreciate recommendations for an Integrated Amp that would complement my speakers.  Martin Login Motion 60’s supplemented with SVS SB-2000 Subwoofers.  Cardas Crosslink cables.  I would like to move away from class “D” to solid state class “A” or “A/B”.  Amplifier must have pre-outs for the Subs.  No DAC.  Have read great things about Coda, Luxman, Krell, Rega, Simaudio, and Sugden.  BIG room with 18’ ceilings.  Sources are all digital.  Listen to all types of rock and occasional blues/ jazz guitarist.  $5k is budget new or used.  My class “D” has detail and accuracy at lower volumes, but when I turn it up, it seems to lose depth and fullness.  I’m hoping a Class “A” or “A/B” can help with that?  If Luxman, 507 vs 550? Sugden A-21SE vs the IA-4 or ANV-50?  Will I even notice a difference with these speakers?  I realize the ML’s are not a reference level speaker, but I enjoy them.  If you have heard these speakers with an amp you enjoyed, please let me know.  I am not close to any brick and mortar to listen. Thank you.

Martin-Logan Motion 60XTi: Floorstanding, 35-25,000 Hz +/-3 dB, 80°x30°, 94 dB @ 2.83 v/m, 4 Ohms but compatible w/ 4,6,8 Ohm amplifiers, 400 & 2,200 Hz, 20-400 watts.


@audiostick For what it's worth, several years ago, when I was auditioning speakers for my two-channel system, a friend and I spent approximately 3 hours of serious seat-time A/B'ing a pair of Martin Logan Motion 60XTi speakers and a pair of GoldenEar Triton 2+ in the same sound room of a high-end shop.  According to the salesperson, the ML had approximately 40 hours of play time on them and the Golden Ear about 20.  We used a Simaudio Moon Neo 340 IX integrated amp and a Marantz CD6005 that day.  Both my friend and I were super impressed with the Simaudio!  In fact, I was so impressed I came away from that experience feeling that If I had spent time with that amp before purchasing my McIntosh MA5200, I may very well have come home with it, instead of the MAC.  I chose the MAC after many hours of serious seat time listening to it and a Luxman integrated (forget the model) in the same shop, same sound room, with a pair of Focal Aria 936, Rega P3 with Ortofon Blue and a Rega CD Player.  The MAC and Luxman sounded virtually identical.  About half an hour before this, in a different shop across town, I had spent a couple hours of serious seat-time with a Musical Fidelity M6si and a pair of Paradigm towers.  As you probably already know, it is very difficult to make fair comparisons of high fidelity equipment in different shops, different sound rooms, using different equipment, etc.  As such, suffice it to say that  I was very, very favorably impressed with all of the products I've mentioned here.  That being said, however, on the day my friend and I spent time with the Simaudio, the ML and the GoldenEar, both of us preferred the ML but only by half a hair.  The ML Motion 60 XTi are great speakers, given the right sound room.  Based upon personal experience with these speakers in different shops & sound rooms, I believe they, like any speakers with AMT tweeters, require a good amount of space behind the listening position (e.g.  6' or more).  Otherwise, listening fatigue becomes a factor.

@robert53 - Sorry, meant to say that the MF M6si500 was over my weight limit.  Probably more amp than I need anyway.  Thanks again for your input.

Musical Fidelity is very good option .  5i  is good enough for not to much money.

@oldaudiophile Lots of great input here.  Simaudio is on my radar but would prefer not to pay for an onboard DAC.  Interesting that it stood out to you.  I would also like to know which Luxman you were listening to that you thought sounded virtually identical to the MAC as I have not heard that before.

Yes, store-to-store comparisons are difficult but at least you got to listen and were left with an impression when you left the store.  Good to know that you liked the MF M6si as well.  It definitely checks allot of boxes for me.

Now that you mention speaker placement, it rings a bell that they need to be out quite a way from the back wall.  Yikes, 6’ is a big space even for my big room but I may have to give that a try.  Thanks for all of this, greatly appreciated!

@audiostick Amp shopping, for me, was about 3 or 4 years ago, now.  So, I'm not sure which Luxman I spent time with.  If I recall correctly, it had pale yellow VU meters.  So, I guess that would have been either the L-550 or the L-590.  My short list came down to either the MAC MA5200 or the MF6si.  I would have loved to A/B both of them in the same sound room with the same equipment but, alas, that wasn't possible.  It was a difficult decision.  They are both great amps.  The sound room I A/B'ed the Luxman and MAC in was more like my sound (living) room at home.  The sound room I auditioned the MF in was much larger, had higher ceilings, hardwood floor, brick walls and was like and old refurbished factory building.

With respect to the speaker placement issue, I do not believe the ML Motion 60XTi  need to be placed that far away from the wall behind them.  I think 2 or 3 feet would be sufficient in this regard.  What I was referring to was the space behind the listening position (i.e.  space behind your head).  I've read reviews of speakers with AMT tweeters where the reviewers actually recommend a good amount of open space behind the listener so as to avoid listening fatigue.  In other words, if your listening position is, for example, a couch up against a wall immediately behind it, this might not be a good thing.  I actually did do some serious seat-time with the ML Motion 60XTi in two different shops.  One listening room had a wall approximately 4 or 5 feet behind the listening position.  After about 30 minutes of music at concert levels, my friend and I started to develop noticeable headaches (listening fatigue).  After about 45 minutes, it was time to switch to a different pair of speakers.  However, this shop used a 60 watt NAD integrated that I think may have been a Class D design.  This might have been a factor, as well.  The shop that my friend and I auditioned the ML Motion 60XTi in that used the Simaudio had a listening room with a good 9 to 10 feet behind our listening position.  We were there a good 3 hours, if not more, listening to music at concert levels and had absolutely no problems with listening fatigue.  We had a very similar experience in yet another shop where I auditioned a pair of Triangle Australe EZ speakers.  That shop had a huge sound room with, easily, 20 feet of space behind the listening position, if not more.  Amplifiers used there where all MACs.  One was a big tube stack and the other was the MA5200.

Hope this helps!