Another fuse tweak

Just put a clear 1/2in quartz disc with a smidgen of blue tack on the fuse hoder of my amp. Very worth trying!


I used various materials to create a balance on all connectors or near some piece of gear or on them , but only shungite  on  routers, and electrical panels...

I use shungite ( i call that my "golden plate" because one face is covered with copper tape as indicated in my virtual system page i never bought tweaks i prefer to create mine) and quartz...

Also some other minerals...

Shungite may had a negative compressive effect on the soundfield but quartz had a decompressive effect that can make some unbalanced audio system even harsh ...Among other qualities negative as positive one these two minerals balance and complement one another ...

The art is discovering the right place and location and the balance between their two opposite effect...

For example to experiment , put a big piece of shungite on an amplifier , the effect could be very compressing and negative ... Put now only a big quartz, few hundred grams, on the same amplifier , the effect will be decompressive or harsh it depend of the amplifier own balance in the system ...

Location is very important ...

I discovered all this with fun experiment to increase the timbre perception and even imaging or soundstage by other means than my acoustic control devices as Helmholtz resonators or Schuman generators etc

location is key and balance betwween the chosen minerals..

For example fluorite was bad near the power transforme5r of my Sansui but better if put more far from the transformer field...But on my new tubes preamplifier serving my active speakers it work surprizngly good and fluorite is not as Quartz or shungite so useful for me normally ...

Then all is about experiments ...

These minerals act as some shield(shungite) or as some filters too , i dont understand how and apart from the shielding scientifically studied properties of shungite i discovered all the rest by trials and errors...

now suppose i am as some here very proud of their 50,000 bucks system or their 100,000 bucks one , will i put some rocks in my gear or near it to improve the sound qualities ?

No not at all , and i will call those who do that "tin foil hat" , if not i will think that they are credulous idiots...

Now think about someone as me having a mere 1000 bucks budget for my 2 headphones of Choice : the AKG hybrid K340 and the AKG K240 sextet ( the two owning an internal unique acoustic system of passive resonators) and for my low cost active small speakers...

What did i must do to create top audiophile experience in the design gear limit of this system for sure... I dont compare to Mike Lavigne system here...but how to compare and surpass the average audiophile in sound qualities ?

By using ways of optimizing electrical, mechanical and acoustical working dimensions of the system... ( a dedicated acoustic room for example matter even in near listening by the way, the opposite of what many says about near listening erroneously😁 )

Then unorthodox experiments with Helmholtz resonators, Schumann generators, and ionization etc ... Even minerals shielding and in some way filtering ... Dont ask me how ? i dont know how minerals can affect soundfield through cables or gear design ..

I modified also to optimize them my 2 headphones and even my speakers design ...

A 150 bucks small set of active speakers CANNOT be impressive without modifications ... I know it firsthand...But if the right modifications can be done the caterpillar can become a butterfly ... Acoustics knowledge is key ... All speakers are Hemlholtz resonators, then modified the cross ratio of the neck and volume of the original porthole and you can redefine his pecs for the better ...Add a better wave guide to his tweeter ... and it is job done ..


Now i enjoy a low cost system beating anything not only in his price range but for some acoustic factors as imaging and timbre many other more costlier system ... ( i am limited to 50 hertz in bass with my 4 inches woofer but because of my modification very clear and balanced bass and deeper )So much happy i am not very interested by most upgrades choices at all ...

The only upgrade necessary is the BACCH system by Dr. Choueiri, this is an acoustic revolution FOR ALL AUDIOPHILES ...

Thanks To Dr. Gorike of AKG the genius behind the two greatest AKG headphones , i enjoy with the K340 not only a very natural timbre but an "out of the head" speaker like effect , which is inexistant with the 9 headphones i now dont use at all ...

I can wait to buy when i could afford his cost the BACCH system for my actual system especially my K340...


As a last tip: the most important factor of S.Q. in audio is by far acoustics treatment but more than that active mechanical control of the room by Helmhotlz resonators, and also other devices i will not detail here , and the last but the more important in this dedicated acoustic room well done will be the purchase of the BACCH filters system ...

Then minerals are only some cherries on a cake , not the cake itself ..

Acoustics concepts and experiments are the cake ...

Costlier high end gear are not enough by the way to acieve satisfaction a minimal acoustic satisfaction as mine or a maximal satisfaction ...They must be installed and embedded in a way to control vibrations and resonance, and in a way to decrease the noise floor level of the system/room/house and least a dedicated under controls acoustic room ...



@mahgister how do you treat your cables? Open to share?



Now i will explain how it works and for cables with shungite and quartz in my own way even if i am not an engineer at all ...😊
There is two narrow mindset in audio thread ...
---The subjectivist who are ready to pay anything for a minor improvement, for example a very costlier cables according to their hearing "taste"...
---The objectivist who vouch only for the measuring specs of the gear and only for the electrical measurable one and mock any cables choices passed some price level generally very low ...They are techno cultist for some ...
I am neither one nor the other ...
I vouch for acoustics experiments and psychoacoustics...
Once this  is said i will add inormation  about the use of shungite and quartz after some necessary  clarification ....
Before i will characterize the difference  between the transmission of signals on any channel for a machine and for humans (excluding A.I. which is another question that must be treated in itself ) ..
If you sent an automated rocket and his autonomous automated explorer robot  the communication between signals on the two sides, emission and reception ,  all must be absolutely clear and with the best possible ratio signal noise , because here by definition , the noise is disruptive and only disruptive for the perfect reception of the signals between transmitter  and receiver  ...
Now if you consider the ears/brain receiving signals from cables and audio system, here the situation differ completely ... For the brain who dont work as a machine , the signals/noise definition is completely diferent ...
Evolution train us in nature for distinguishing and interpreting "meanings" from noise with even the help of noise interpreted as a signals as much as signals of speech informing us by the troubling noise  which are causede for example by sudden emotions impacting the speakers we decode as such in all his aspects... But even these noise perturbing the signals clarity (voice)  are meaningful compared to the perfect signals of a discourse perfectly articulated without emotion by a robot...
In nature analog signals and noise are meaningful as well, as is meaninful the image and the background, neither the image nor the background being ALONE the complete information...In the transmission of digital signals we eliminate the noise and the background as meaningless ...
Now coming back to audio system and cables , the reception of the complete information pertaining to a signals/noise ratio , implicate also some form emerging from a background which is meaningful in the two case ... A musical dynamic signal as in speech or music is not a pure sine  wave signal at all ...Read it two times and meditate...
So useful are Fourier mapping of sounds they are not the hearing concrete territory because the ears/brain live in his own time domain and in a non linear way... His resolving acuity beating Fourier uncertainty between times and frequency bounds is a consequence of an evolutive training in natural and social environment and their acoustical characteristics for noise and signals , form/background informative relation ... ...
Why now audio cables are so much discussed , and argued about, some negating completely their impact; some others ready to die for their one thousand bucks cables ?
Because the interpretation by the ears/brain of what is timbre as musical is also related to some ratio in the system/cables of the  shielding noise potential  and the potential to  filter the signals... But it is not linear and simplistic as in mechanical channel of communication with the human ears because it is not here a simple digitalized signals set but an interpretative subjective consciousness  ...
The noise can play here a positive role and the pure signal be disturbing in some way , as a robotic human voice can be disruptive ... In human phenomena as music and speech , the noise is not necessarily bad nor the signal necessarily good .. The same tone varying pitch produced by a machine or a stradivarius are two things so far apart that one will make you sick or mad the other will heal you and increase your level of awareness ..
Coming back to cables no need to invoke quantum unknown effects by subjectivist eager to justify their expansive cables, and no need to use Maxwell equation to debunk any audible effect as impossible because indetectable in hertz and decibels ...
The two groups dont understand what is at stake here ...
Any channel of communication will be and must be endowed with filtering and shielding capacities... Audio cables are shielded and twisted , chosen for an optimal ratio between filtering and shielding ...
Now put a mineral as shungite with natural shielding capacities or put a mineral with amplificative power and recepting tuning one as quartz  , put them on a cable , they will act as a shield against some EMI or RFI or the opposite as an antennae... Their effects will be interpreted in different way because they work on different audible range  on different systems/cables why ?
Because their effect will not appear the same on all frequencies band for each specific system already endowed by design and environment with his specific noise/signals and signals/noise ratios for different ears/brain with their own filters and biases from personal history...
Now why did i use at the same time Quartz and shungite in particular?
Because apart for the fact that one is more a shield as well shielding noise as masking parts of the signals the other a natural amplifier of noise as well as of signals, together they act as dithering devices,  introducing just enough noise into the signals and enough "external information" into the gear noise then they really DITHER the signals from the background in a way which differ from the use of white noise on a channel introduced to reduce distortion...Here some distortion can act positively as informative ...
It is not  so easy to grasp the concept of dithering here because speech perception and musical perception is not a pure mathematical exhange of  digitalized signals on an indifferent background ...In human phenomena of perception noise as well as signals inform us ...Dithering here means making some frequencies signal clearer by increasing some background specific noise or the opposite masking some other signals frequencies ...
A violin tone playing microdynamics as a recited poems is not a clear signals as digitalized signals, it is a meaningful noise named timbre which inform us about the source of sound and about the environment , and differently in different acoustic and noisy conditions and environment ...
Then how did i use minerals on the cables ?
i use a balance between shungite and quartz, to increase my perception of musicality between the different noise/signals ratio and the different signals/noise ratio possible ...I use then at his maximum the way this balance will increase the dithering of the signals quality ...
All cables act differently because all ears/brain are different , all systems had different noise/signals ratio as well ...some vouch for this branded name , the other contradict him and propose another cable ... Some negate any difference between cables... They are the more fanatical ... they conflate normalized digital signals and the decoding of qualitative analog signals by the ears/brain ... But the ears/brain dont work as a computer at all ... Then they cannot imagine that the ears/brain can retrieve information about a sound source , be it a voice, a violin or a system cables ,and can recognize the change in these phenomena if we modify them...
In the case of cable we can modify them by increasing the shielding /filtering ratio because all cables act as better or worst antennae, and this is  function not only of their composition and geometry but also of their location near some minerals inside them or on them...
Ok all my explanation is not scientific, only a way by analogy to explain to myself my own experiments and how works my devices ... I bought no tweaks by the way and create mine and not to sell them but to improve a low cost system enough to call it almost audiophile and not too far from audiophile top system ...
Creativity  and acoustic  guide me ...






Thank you for your explanation. One question, if I may: having had a positive experience from tethering 2 AA 1.5v batteries to my RCA cables with polarity from   ‘-‘ to ‘+’ and agreeing with your explanation on minerals I was wondering whether you might have any view on their impact on electron flow within the cables. It seems to me that there might be increased directionality and less turbulence (along the lines of your dithering explanation). I am obviously speculating, not having an electrical engineering background either.