cdp soundstage

currently using a naim cd5x with a flatcap2x. while i enjoy listening the naim just doesnt present a very wide or deep soundstage in comparison to my turntable which is much wider. the comparison is immediate not something that needs to be listened to. Related equipment:RWA 30.2 amp and Blueberry extreme pre
would a different cdp or dac have more synergy with the equipment i have ?
I had the same naim cd5x with a flatcap2x front end for awhile
and even though I really liked the overall sound quality from the naim, soundstage size is the 1 aspect where it was lacking. My setup was in a smaller space and I got used to it. All of the music was there and proper space between the players; a stable soundstage that was always small & between the speakers. A power chord swap may make a small difference. I think that it is simply a characteristic of that level of Naim. Pretty sure the only way to remedy is a different cdp.
Very nice setup though.
While I prefer the tonality of vinyl over digital, a CDP has better separation than a phono cartridge. My vinyl rig had better sounding vocals and HF but my CDP was always a bit more dynamic and had a bigger and better image. I take it you are comparing the same recording on each format to come to this conclusion and not a few random recordings. My system will image HUGE.......if the recording has a huge image.

"B" - if you are interested, I'll have a little get together in Jun/Feb.
Two analog setups: belt drive and vintage idler.
My own SD speakers as well.
We can do some comparison between analog and digital as well.
I can ask V.R to bring his DAC as he will be coming over with his new prototype battery/tube phono.
You can also bring your 30.2 & Juicy Music pre if you like.

Same to you ........and I sure will.
End of Jan- and mid Feb. are the dates.
Will PM with definite dates.
