cdp soundstage

currently using a naim cd5x with a flatcap2x. while i enjoy listening the naim just doesnt present a very wide or deep soundstage in comparison to my turntable which is much wider. the comparison is immediate not something that needs to be listened to. Related equipment:RWA 30.2 amp and Blueberry extreme pre
would a different cdp or dac have more synergy with the equipment i have ?
"B" - if you are interested, I'll have a little get together in Jun/Feb.
Two analog setups: belt drive and vintage idler.
My own SD speakers as well.
We can do some comparison between analog and digital as well.
I can ask V.R to bring his DAC as he will be coming over with his new prototype battery/tube phono.
You can also bring your 30.2 & Juicy Music pre if you like.

Same to you ........and I sure will.
End of Jan- and mid Feb. are the dates.
Will PM with definite dates.

anyone have thoughts on thr Raysonic 128 cdp as is or with mods or the ps audio dac with cullen mods replacing my Naim cdp. both seem to be similar price range around 1500 give or take