Musical subwoofer under $2000

I’m looking for advice on what vendors to look at as l’d really like to add a subwoofer to my 2 channel setup. The room is c. 30x15 feet or 42 square meters with low ceiling of about 7.5 feet or 2.2 meters. Budget is c.$2,000 and my 2 channel speakers are Sonus Faber Sonetto VIII. My amp offers pre-out connection. I’d like REL but their S range is now too expensive, so something close in musicality would be great. 


@ditusa Thanks for that link.  Doug Blackburn and I both wrote for Soundstage at the same time, and I always admired his depth of knowledge.  There were some really interesting discussions behind the scenes at Soundstage between the two Dougs at Soundstage (Blackburn and founder Schneider) about the virtues of time/phase coherence that was a most interesting read.  They completely disagreed with each other and both made very valid and interesting arguments, but it was always respectful and I learned a lot from that discourse.  Anyway, thanks again for that dated yet still very useful link — I bookmarked it for future reference.

I have ML ESL-X for 2channel and wanted something "quick" to blend with electrostats.  SVS was an excellent option.  as others mentioned, DSP app lets you dial it in.

My experience with SVS:  beyond good!

- ordered an SP2000-pro AND a micro (dual 8") and demo'd in my system, knowing that I could only afford to keep one.  I did receive a discount for buying a pair.  Also note- the "blems" page has nice discounts.  most blems you won't ever notice. they provide pictures.

- the SB was musical, but really powerful (12")  I wanted badly to keep it but this is not home theater.

- the micro, with a pair of 8" matched best with the dual 8's in the mains.  With 3 bands of DSP- able to configure +-dB, slope and Q I was able to prevent peaks and smooth out the response curve.  This cannot be achieve without DSP

- I was able to return postage paid the SB2000-pro for full refund. They did NOT withhold the difference I saved from the "pair" discount!  AND, a couple of weeks later, I received an additional credit for a price drop!

Take a close look at SVS.  a pair of micros likely have sufficient output for your room and will be more musical.  but if you desire lots of bass, a pair of SB will drive you out of the room. 

"@kennyc  Usually "musical" means enjoying the music as a whole but can also be at the expense of detail and accuracy. What you are looking for is an "articulate" subwoofer where the bottom notes sound like real instruments and not a boomy mess."

Kennyc,  Absolutly. My description completely overlooked the mentioning of articulation in lower frequency presentation in my question to the OP's meaning of 'musical'. Thank you for making that point. 

I was attempting to bring to the OP's attention that his choice is a -6dB bass speaker that simply doesn't go that low with any authority and whether that was a priority. 

@kennyc  (Just found out how to include replies to individuals!) Articulate is what I want and getting real sound of the instrument (cello, double bass etc.) I'm leaning heavily now to ordering a single Rythmik E15HP2 to start and then going from there. I must admit the app capabilities of both Arendal and SVS appeal too, but with SVS I cannot get a white finish in the model I'd go for and I think the 15" woofer size of the Rythmik would move more air in my room. 

I think you’re making a mistake.  I’d get an F12G and then add another one when you can.  But that’s me.