Bybee Internal Speaker Bullets - user feedback?

I added a couple of Bybee Small Slipstream Purifiers on the RCA inputs in my amp and like the effect quite a bit.

Exchanging with Jack Bybee, he said the internal speaker bullets are, in his view, the best bang for buck of his products. That would be an expensive move for me as I would need 2 sets (they retail at about $800 per set).

Searching around A'gon, I was surprised to see little talk about these. Found a thread from 2008 discussing the Bybee Golden Goddess that apparently had just come out at the time. I believe the Internal Speaker Bullets are a DIY version of the Golden Goddess, that retails at $4200 (!!).

Would love to hear from those who tried them. In what kind of speakers? Was it worth it to you?

My speakers are B&W 804S. They were $4k when new...not anymore. I have to wonder if best bang for buck is to spend $1.6k on these Bybees or upgrade the speakers. The Bybees I can keep with me in future speaker upgrades, though.

Thank you!
I have seen the inside of one of these "purifiers".
There's nothing inside! Just a ceramic tube with a little caked clay inside.
Bojack, have you ever heard them? I have and the improvement they made was undeniable. Out here in Australia we had a group of people that got together to check them out, buying some and passing them around. The results were uneven - one person finding an appreciable difference, others a small but positive improvement, while for others it was negative or no difference. That's exactly the same as any other bit of Hi Fi gear or tweak. I expected more people to find a positive improvement than did, but there is no denying they made a difference in some systems. BTW the difference was not what a small resistor some say it really is would do - something else is going on and those doing the trial have conjectured on what that might be. Its obvious what Jack Bybee writes is marketing puffing - he is not going to let out exactly whats going on, but something is going on.

So instead of jumping to conclusions, do what the guys out our way did and see what they do for yourself.

BTW I have them installed in my current speakers that I haven't taken delivery of yet (for various reasons) and would not have forked out the not trivial amount they cost without hearing it first. Those speakers are the best speakers me, and quite a few others with considerable audiophile experience, have heard. Exactly how much Bybees contributed to that cant say - they contain all sorts of wild stuff like Duelund Cast capacitors and are internally lined with 1/4 inch copper, but it is a contribution.

The guy that makes my speakers will demo to anyone what Bybees do with his speakers prior to ordering them and tons of people go for that option - including me.

Fortunately more expensive placebos work better than cheaper placebos... so the more you pay, the more you get, regardless of actual efficacy.
Bybee better off upgrading components or improving room or better yet buying music. Lots of sudo science and BS in audio don't fall for it. We all suffer from confirmation biases and are easily fooled or audio video playback wouldn't even work. Its a trick on the human senses and mind. If one spends $ on tweak thinks the tweak will cause improvement they will hear it due to confirmation biases. After all you wouldn't buy unless you feel it will improve things thus when you install you expect improvement or you just wasted $ and time easier to feel you spent well and improvement exists than to accept fact that you were conned scammed etc. A common human problem.