
Presently my system is: Qobuz > Lumin U1 Mini Streamer > Electrocompaniet ECD-1 Dac > Herron VTSP-3A (R03) Pre > Odyssey Khartago Extreme Amp > KEF r11 Speakers.

The ECD-1 dac is 20 years old. I've had issues with this dac at times not playing 24/192 music at all even though its rated to handle it. Recently I've had to adjust settings in the Lumin to play 24/192 music at 24/96 in order for it to play. So, I want to replace it with something using a bit more current technology. My budget is 1800.00 for something used.

To my ears, the KEF r11 is a very detailed and revealing speaker. Well recorded music sounds great. Poorly recorded music sounds very poor and again to me, that means edgy and fatiguing highs. I'm looking for a warm and musical presentation. Things I've done to lean in that direction are getting the Herron pre and adjusting the bias of the Khartago towards a warmer sound also.

Dacs I've been studying have been R2R NOS dacs like Border Patrol, Denefrips Pontus II, and others. I also have looked at the Schiit Yggy LIM.  So I'd love to hear from anyone who perhaps has had a similar quest and what was found to fit the warm and musical goal. Thanks for any comments!



I would recommend the Yggdrasil. It has a very well balanced sound quality for its price.


For fun I asked Bard. This sounds like a pretty good comparison to me.


Comparing and Contrasting the Sound of Border Patrol, Denefrips Pontus II, and Schiit Yggdrasil DACs:

Choosing the "best" DAC is subjective and depends heavily on your individual preferences and listening setup. However, I can compare and contrast the sound qualities of the Border Patrol, Denefrips Pontus II, and Schiit Yggdrasil DACs to help you make an informed decision:

Border Patrol:

  • Sound Signature: Warm, smooth, and analog-like with a focus on musicality over technical precision.
  • Strengths: Excellent bass response, rich midrange, and forgiving with imperfect recordings.
  • Weaknesses: Can lack detail and transparency compared to some competitors, soundstage might be perceived as narrower.

Denefrips Pontus II:

  • Sound Signature: Neutral, detailed, and highly resolving with a focus on accuracy and transparency.
  • Strengths: Exceptional clarity and detail retrieval, precise imaging and soundstage, dynamic and engaging sound.
  • Weaknesses: Can be unforgiving with bright or harsh recordings, might sound analytical or sterile to some listeners.

Schiit Yggdrasil:

  • Sound Signature: Balanced, natural, and spacious with a focus on overall coherence and musicality.
  • Strengths: Excellent tonal balance, wide and deep soundstage, smooth and refined presentation.
  • Weaknesses: Not as detailed or resolving as the Pontus II, bass might not be as impactful as the Border Patrol.

Here's a table summarizing the key differences:

Feature Border Patrol Denefrips Pontus II Schiit Yggdrasil
Sound Signature Warm, smooth, musical Neutral, detailed, transparent Balanced, natural, spacious
Strengths Bass response, rich midrange, forgiving Clarity, detail, soundstage, dynamics Tonal balance, soundstage, smoothness
Weaknesses Lack of detail, narrow soundstage Unforgiving, analytical Less detail, bass impact

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Additional factors to consider:

  • Price: The Pontus II is the most expensive of the three, followed by the Yggdrasil and then the Border Patrol.
  • Features: The Pontus II offers the most features, including multiple digital filters and upsampling options. The Yggdrasil and Border Patrol are more minimalist in their approach.
  • System synergy: The sound of a DAC can be affected by the rest of your audio system. Make sure to choose a DAC that will complement your existing equipment.

Ultimately, the best way to choose a DAC is to listen to them yourself and see which one you prefer. If possible, try to audition them in your own home with your own equipment.




As I start to hang around this forum more, just wanted to call out the nice service provided by @ghdprentice and so many others of you (and this mysterious Bard!).  The above is very helpful (though I'm not shopping for a DAC).

I have the Pontus II and do not find the weaknesses as described by Bard.  The Pontus II being fed by my MacBook Pro sounds better than the HiFi Rose 250a I had.  I've since added a Hermes DDC and it sounds even better now.  It sounds detailed but musical to my ears.  Excellent soundstage and imaging, etc.  Sterile or analytical are not words I would ever use to describe it.  I'm running it into a McIntosh MA8900 and it's a good match for me.