Let’s face it. Back in "the day" having a cool R2R at home was just about as good as it gets. It represented a perfect storm of the convergence of multiple sensory perceptions that, literally, pegged the needle on the "Wow" meter.
We were all ’ga ga" over our turntables. Watching the tonearm predictably descend while we rushed back to our favorite listening position and became seated at the precise moment the music started was mind-blowing, even without elevated enhancement "accessories". Then, something magical appeared. The technology to record our favorite tracks, albums (even borrowed ones) and have them play in the exact order we wanted, without close supervision in OUR listening room was glorious. Cassette often gets credit for the production of "mix tapes", but it actually started with R2R. (Just a little more difficult to take them with you). The sound quality was indistinguishable (well, close enough) to the vinyl "original" and prerecorded tapes were available for purchase.
R2R represented the ultimate in the analog experience with an abundance of kinetic energy. Reels turning. Big meters jumping. And, oh, when we pulled those levers, pushed the buttons, threaded the tapes, WE were in charge of everything connected to the experience. WE got to be the dude (and dudess) in control of the "master" tape, honorary music producers in our own right.
It was empowering. Duplicating that experience today on ANY level is a tough act to follow.