I'm not here to troll. But packets are packets and ethernet knows how to reassemble them. If it didn't then $%kdiow @#sedfm WE235* would happen.
The rest of this, on the network side, is audio bling, unless your streamer isn't designed well to handle any electrical noise over its LAN port. And that is only theoretical.
I feel bad for Fredrik222 - he's absolutely correct, but some of his posts are off-putting. Then again, so are the responses to those posts...
I know not to attempt swapping IC, speaker or USB while equipment is ON
Definitely don't swap single-ended interconnects and if you swap speakers you have to pull the + first and put in the - first. If anything bad happens when you pull a USB cable, then you've got something seriously wrong with that USB device.
I honestly do not want to start or perpetuate an argument but analog audio logic simply doesn't apply in the digital or network domain. It's fundamentally different.