Jolida JD100 Missing Bass

A little history, I was in the process of buying my father a 2 channel system. All my life he was very proud of his first hi fi system. Sansui receiver, Sansui Turntable, Acoustic Research AR3's. It has been gone for 25 years or more. I spent the better portion of this year buying a set of Usher V-604's, B&K Pro10-MC preamplifier, and a matching 2 channel amplifier. The next thing on the list was an entry level Denon Turntable. Unfortunately in October he got sick and was diagnosed with AML (Leukemia) on a Friday, and died the following Thursday. It was very sudden to say the least. I also never got to give him his Christmas present, so I am left with an aching desire to play with all of his old LP's.
This last Saturday I went to a local store and picked up a Denon DP-300F turntable. Right now I am using the cartridge it came with. I also wanted to see what all this vinyl chit chat was about. I only have one album that I own on both CD and on Vinyl. I decided to do my own quick A/B comparison between my Jolida JD100A and this Denon Turntable. I instantly noticed the treble on the turntable was very soft compared to the CD, but this might be a little to do with the way CD's are mastered, but I definitely see the need for a better cartridge. I am thinking about buying the Denon DL-160 for starters.
The next thing that I noticed was all the bass I get from the turntable. It was a bit shocking that I was missing that much from my CD Player. Since I have had this CD player I had gone out and bought a subwoofer to go with my Usher X-719 Monitors (which are known for their bottom end. Now, for the first time since I got this CD player, I turned the sub off. I didn't feel like I needed it anymore. I have read that the Jolida CD Player Mods can improve the bass a lot.

What's your opinion of Affordable Audio, Hot Rod, Underwood HiFi, and any others that do mods for these. Can you reccomend one of these from experience?

Will I see an improvement worth paying for?

Should I sell this CD Player and buy a Solid State Player?

Is their something else wrong with my CD Player (I think this is unlikely because it sounds so good otherwise)?

What do you think?
Sylvania 5751 Gold Brand 3-Mica is the tube for that CDP.

You will never get your investment back from the mod when you go to sell the CDP.

I had the player and it is a good CDP with the Sylvania tubes in it. There is your mod and you can resell the tubes and get most of your money back.

Sorry about your dad. Life can be hard and short for some but I am sure he would be glad that you have picked up his passion for music and audio gear.

If you must have the mod, which mine had, then sell your CDP and buy one used with the mod. Let someone else eat the cost of the mod.
Thanks, I have not tried changing tubes. Where should I shop for them? What price should I be paying for the Sylvania tubes?

The album was Radio Head "Pablo Honey". It's not that old, so I don't think their would be any remastered versions, unless the LP was a remaster. Also, it is the only album I have on Vinyl and CD.

I take it then, in your opinions then that the mod is not enough improvement to spend the money.

I will look for tubes.
Based on your description of the sound, I would think the turntable arm needs to be raised up. This should lessen the bass and bring up the highs. Secondly, I would suggest you borrow a cd player and compare. Even a DVD player would work in a pinch. While a new set of tubes will change the sound somewhat, it will not magically transform it into a bass pounding unit; subtle at best.
Thank you Jig, when you say raise the tonearm. Do you mean lessen the force/weight on the stylus?