Manley Chinook SE MK2

What phono preamp and how much would it take to better the Manley? I ask mainly because I have one and considering upgrading. I know it's been stated that it takes $5k upwards to better it but curious of some real world experiences.  

Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12

BTW, I don't want to come off as Chinook bashing.  I'm sure its a fine phono stage.  Back at the turn of the century, Manley was a big deal!  Something I could only wish for.  This time around, now that could actually afford it, I wanted it to make my list, but user experience was just a bit too lukewarm.  I did do a whole lotta research and cross referencing to get to the Modwright.  I actually might have got a Heron if it was available.

I mean it wasn't exactly a drop in the bucket for me and I was selling my Tavish to upgrade so I wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing!

As usual, YMMV

@samzx12 It is good to see your first investigation of a alternative Phon' allows for a Home Demo' , a Comparison and a Return Option.

I have only heard one ,Modwright Phon' in the UK, but not the Model you have selected.

I do use a All Valve Phon' that has been voiced to suit what I class as having an attraction unique to my needs.

My learning about a Cart's voicing has put the Hana Umami Blue on my Radar to be demo'd and experienced, fortunately for yourself, this is in the home system. My instincts are strongly suggesting this Cart' will be a positive stimulus when used on conjunction with an All Valve Phon'. 

Some will be Loath to this suggestion, a SUT is a device that should not be overlooked, and by being further investigative, the outcome could become there is  even more attraction added to the sonic, if a SUT is used with any Phon' available during the Trial Period.   

@theflattire thank you very much and I'll do some more research on threads. I've read a few and find nothing but high praise for the 9.0. I never took it as you were bashing the Chinook. I've probably read some of the same opinions and feedback.  

  • @pindac thank you. TMR told me they have not had one Modwright come back after the trial period but everyone's mileage varies right? I seriously doubt I'll be sending it back but yes you're correct I wanted to have the option. I can say the Umami Blue is an impressive cartridge and probably why I wanted to step up the phono preamp game :)

My Investigations of certain exhibitions at HiFi Events has shown the Umami Blue has been the chosen Cart' for a few very expensive Vinyl Sources. The idea it is being given this role says a lot for it, hence, it has my attention for this and the idea it presents without too much Richness and the Cost is very very attractive.   

Often, at shows, many exhibitors, outside of the brand they represent use other products because they have been given these products at no charge. Very typical with cables and power conditioners. So, when you see certain products in many rooms, it has nothing to do with their performance, just good marketing.

I'm not saying this is the case for the Umami Blue. Just something to keep in mind.