There many ways to walk the road, related to tastes, gear design, budget constraint, trade-off choices related to the gear and trade-off choices related to the embeddings controls choices but there is only one road through acoustics concepts and experiments...
Acoustics define sounds experience parameters, nevermind the other factors and choices...
And acoustics here is not mere few panels on the walls, and it is not even mere physical complete acoustic room controls for a system , it is more , it includes psychoacoustics basic concepts too ...
We cannot experience something we do not even imagine, and we cannot experience something we then cannot understand at all ...
Buying any piece of gear does not give us experience ... Only by luck and money it may and only may in some cases give a relatively good system at relatively high price...
Try to build one very good under 1000 bucks...Good luck! 😁 This is my bench test for knowledge ...
It is impossible without basic real knowledge in acoustics and in others aspects mechanical and electrical ....
And anyway some with very costlier one will say it is impossible period ! So much they vouch for gear design upgrades and price tag investment and nothing much else...😊
I vouch for acoustics concepts and the way to experience them by experimenting ...
It could be the room speakers relation , but it could be also with it speakers design or headphones acoustic improvements and modifications , it could be on top of that acoustics modifications of stereo system basic flaws ( BACCH filters and crosstalk etc ) ...
Then compared to that, gear upgrade are most of the times MINOR improvement ... It is the opposite in audio threads where upgrades are presentend ALWAYS as MAJOR improvement at very high cost... It is NOT EVEN WRONG ... Thats my point ...