What to ask when buying used speakers?

I have purchased used components in the past and I can do this with confidence their functionality is well defined and easily verified. I am starting to look for a new set of speakers and will consider buying used. Assuming that I am doing this over distance and will not be able to inspect or demo the speakers in person, what are some good questions to ask to determine the real state of the speakers? Any red flags? Can used speakers have incurred subtle damages or wear that will affect the sound? For the sake of discussion, let's assume that they are less than five years old so we can rule out decaying surrounds and old caps, etc.

  • photos from each side
  • any scratches
  • look out for details on the photo, is it surrounded by a well cared for system, or on a bench outside?
  • original packaging
  • what amp it was used with
  • seller's communication - eager, strangely too eager, normal, reluctant, etc...
  • seller's background - when it's craigslist, or something iffy, definitely look them up e.g. linkedin

@ellajeanelle   +1   When buying used or demo/open box components a reputable audio dealer(brick/mortar) is the only safe option.

I am a lot more likely to buy a used component than speakers.    My last few speakers have been new , reason for that is my last pair of used speakers needed a part that took months to get...   the seller was kind enough to pursue the warranty but it took 4 or 5 months.     

The only used speaker in my experience that is a safe bet are speakers like Heresy, Forte, Cornwall....   if you have a problem they are easy and relatively cheap to fix.  

Best bet is a speaker that isn't too old and has a transferable warranty,  but not too many speakers have transferable warranty...     ATC is the only one I know of.  Maybe there are others?

@oddiofyl  you can always contact the vendor and ask if you they are willing to transfer the warranty

If the speaker works now odds are it'll work another 20, so do you trust a stranger with your money? There could be a damaged driver that's squawking outside of their hearing ability or it was a gradual thing they adjusted to and don't notice. 

Often the cost of shipping + paypal +  agon fees can cause a used product to cost as much as the new thing will cost if you spend some time talking cash with a shop owner.