What's the deal with Vintage Tube Service?

I've tried very hard to buy tubes from Andy on multiple occasions, but I never seem to succeed. Very informative conversations, very little actual processing of orders... Am I the only one? 

Check other reviews and you will see my assessment is representative of many others experiences 

Andy is slow but intends on quicker fulfillment. He has added online purchases to his website. I've used it and received excellent tubes.


andy has always come through for me, and is also good to talk to on the subject

he does get behind with orders but given time he delivers in my experience, but i can certainly understand people who don’t know him, want fast order fulfillment, these folks get awfully frustrated with him

I go back about 5-6 years with Andy and he always had primo NOS tubes delivered in a timely manner (about 1-2 weeks). There were certain times of the year he was out on tube shopping trips so the store was closed. Then there would be a backup on deliveries (3 weeks).

The worldwide tube crisis a couple of years ago did him in. He was still operating as a one-man-shop and wait times turned into months. He was also forgetting to fill orders. It happened to me and 6 months later he called and asked if I still wanted the tubes, I had moved on.

I believe some current orders are taking 3-4 months, so Brent has been getting all my business.


EDIT; Please do try his new online order feature. They're the same quality tubes noise-rated by colour. I received mine in 3 days time.


I will call Andy once again to see if he can get my order processed from several months back. I just wish he would not take orders if he is too backlogged. I can understand a couple weeks processing time  but months to fulfill an order with him only him only responding on a reactive basis is unacceptable